How Much Does Dog Dental Cleaning Cost in the UK?

As a good dog owner, you will understand the importance of looking after the health and well-being of your dog. From ensuring that he has regular walks and playtime to visiting the vets for checkups and vaccinations. But do you look after his teeth? Oral health is essential but can be easily overlooked. In addition to cleaning your dog’s teeth at home, he could benefit from regular teeth cleaning. On average, in the UK, dog teeth cleaning costs is between £150 and £500, but always speak to your vet to understand precisely what is included in the cost. While it may seem expensive, remember it is an investment in your dog’s health, and regular teeth cleaning may prevent more serious dental problems and save you money in the long run.

Why Your Dog’s Teeth Need to Be Professionally Cleaned?

Just like humans, dogs can get plaque on their teeth. If left untreated, this plaque can turn into tartar and have the potential to cause gum disease, otherwise known as periodontal disease. This can lead to associated and severe health issues for your dog. Regular cleaning can help prevent plaque build-up and bring long-term health benefits for your dog.

Is Teeth Cleaning Required for Dogs?

You can also help with oral health and teeth cleaning by doing it at home. It is an essential and often overlooked aspect of dog care. Just as we brush our dogs’ coats, we can also brush their teeth. If you gently brush their teeth when they are puppies, they will learn to accept or even enjoy it. Regular home brushing will also help to prevent the build-up of plaque.

What Age Should a Dog Get Their Teeth Cleaned?

The golden time to expose your puppy to new situations and experiences is when you bring your tiny bundle home, up to around 14 weeks. The more new experiences you can give him in those early formative weeks, the better. Whilst teeth cleaning isn’t vital at this time, it is the perfect time to introduce him to the idea. Even teaching him to let you examine his teeth will be beneficial. You will want to start cleaning your dog’s teeth correctly at home from around six months, when he has all his adult teeth. Most vets advise that you start bringing your dog for a regular professional dental clean at around 2 to 3 years of age. However, remember that this can vary depending on breed and size. Smaller dogs are more prone to problems with their teeth, so always ask your vet for the best recommendation for your dog.

How Often Should You Professionally Clean Your Dog’s Teeth?

Generally, vets advise you to have your dog’s teeth cleaned yearly. However, just like humans, all dogs are different. Some breeds are prone to dental issues, and some smaller breeds have very cramped jaws, which can cause the teeth to overlap, increasing the risk of plaque build up. Always ask your vet what is best for your dog. If you have a healthy, more giant breed with good teeth that you regularly brush at home, you may need to bring them less often.

How Much Does Dog Teeth Cleaning Cost?

In the UK, dog teeth cleaning cost between £150 and £500. This will vary depending on location, different vets, breed, and dog size. However, remember that dog teeth cleaning is a preventative treatment, and the cost of neglecting your dog’s teeth could run into the thousands.

What’s Included in the Cost?

Always ask your vets for a breakdown of the cost so that you know exactly what is included in the cost. Dogs need to be put under anaesthetic to have their teeth cleaned, which is an expensive procedure.

What’s Not Included in the Cost?

While your dog is under anaesthetic, the vet will clean his teeth and examine them closely to check on his oral health. If further work is required, this may not be included in the initial cost, but your vet should advise you of this.

Additional Costs

Additional costs will occur if your vet finds your dog needs further treatment. Some dogs need to have their teeth removed if they are decayed; this can be expensive, but your vet should discuss the treatment and the cost in detail. Some dogs require x-rays of their teeth, which isn’t necessarily included in the initial treatment fee, so be very clear about this cost.

Does Pet Insurance Cover Dog Teeth Cleaning?

Always check with your pet insurance company, as all policies vary. In general, dental work is not covered by a standard insurance policy. Dog teeth cleaning counts as regular, preventative treatment, and dental disease and associated issues are not usually covered. You can have a dental add-on to a standard policy.

What do Vets Charge For Cleaning Dogs’ Teeth?

In the UK, the price is between £150 to £500 for a standard, regular dental clean. Remember that any associated work that is needed will incur a further cost. However, regular cleaning can help prevent more severe tooth issues from arising.

Come to Anrich Vets For Good Dog Dental Health

Here at Anrich Vets, we put the health and well-being of your dog at the heart of all that we do. We always aim to keep our prices fair and affordable so that you can keep your pet healthy and happy. We pride ourselves on our team’s dedication and professionalism; whether your dog requires a routine teeth cleaning or extensive dental work, we are here to help. Keep your dog healthy with regular teeth cleaning. For more information or to book an appointment, call our helpful and friendly veterinary team today on 01942 242001.

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