Arthritis in Cats Causes, Symptoms, And Management

Feline Arthritis is a common condition affecting cats, especially as they get older. The condition cannot only be incredibly debilitating but it can lead to cats experiencing a lot of pain, discomfort and stiffness.

Characterised by inflammation and degeneration of the joints, the condition can have a significant impact on a cat’s quality of life, and it’s important that cat owners familiarise themselves with the symptoms of cat arthritis, so that appropriate action can be taken straight away.

Within this article, we have explored the causes of arthritis in cats, including the symptoms and management.

Cat Arthritis

Arthritis, or osteoarthritis, is a degenerative joint disease that is known to cause pain, stiffness, and limited mobility in cats, especially as they age.

And the condition occurs when the protective cartilage at the end of bones wears down, resulting in an abundance of pain, stiffness and inflammation. Although the most common area’s affected by Feline Arthritis are the knees, spine and hips, the condition is also known to impact other joints too!

At What Age do Feline Usually Get Arthritis?

Feline Arthritis mostly impacts older cats however, it’s vital to point out that it can impact cats of any age.

However, research has indicated that the vast majority of Feline Arthritis cases do occur in cats over the age of 10 and Arthritis that has developed in younger cats is mainly due to factors such as genetic predisposition, underlying health conditions or previous injuries.

In both cases, early detection is key, especially when it comes to treating and managing the condition. After all, there has been a significant amount of research which has proven that early detection and appropriate management can improve the quality of a cat’s life.

What Breed of Cat is Prone to Arthritis?

Feline Arthritis can affect any cat however, there are a number of breeds that are more suspectable to Arthritis than others including the below.

  • Persian
  • Maine Coon
  • Siamese
  • Scottish Fold
  • Devon Rex and Abyssinian

You should also remember that other factors such as a cat’s weight, diet, and overall health and wellbeing can also contribute to the condition.


Cats are renowned for their ability to hide their pain, making it incredibly difficult to detect Feline Arthritis during its early stages. With this in mind, it’s important that all cat owners familiarise themselves with the core symptoms so that the disease can be detected and managed as early as possible.

Here are some of the key symptoms that you should always be looking out for.

Behavioural Changes

Changes in your cat’s behaviour can be one of the first signs that Feline Arthritis is setting in. For example, your cat may display reduced activity levels, become defensive or irritable, spend more time alone hiding in quiet areas or show changes to their sleeping pattern.

Physical Symptoms

There are also a number of physical symptoms that could also signal that your cat is suffering from Feline Arthritis including stiffness impacting their mobility, limping or reluctance to put any weight on a particular leg, changes to their posture, loss of appetite due to pain or difficulty reaching areas to groom.

Many cats also display difficulty using the litter box and become more vocal.


Arthritis in cats is a degenerative joint disease that in the vast majority of cases is age induced.

However, there are a number of different factors that can cause Feline Arthritis including the following.

  • Age-related wear and tear
  • Joint injuries
  • Underlying health conditions
  • Obesity
  • Genetic predisposition

Diagnosis and Treatment

Appropriate diagnosis and treatment is key to successfully managing Feline Arthritis and improving your cat’s quality of life.

And as the vast majority of cats are masters at hiding pain, a thorough examination by your veterinarian is often essential when it comes to diagnosing Feline Arthritis.

Your veterinarian will take the following steps to be able to reach a diagnosis.

Physical Exam: Conducting a thorough physical examination will allow your vet to look for signs of joint pain, stiffness, and limited mobility.

Blood Tests: Blood tests are then taken in order to rule out any underlying health conditions which could be causing the condition.

X-rays: X- rays are then used in order to look for any joint damage and confirm the diagnosis.

Treatment Options

The good news is that there are a number of different treatment options that can be used to treat and manage Feline Arthritis successfully, including the following:

Pain Management:

There are a number of pain management options and Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs that can be used to affectively treat and manage Feline Arthritis however, these must always be administered by a veterinary professional.

Weight Management:

There has been research that has indicated that overweight cats are far more prone to developing arthritis. With this in mind, weight loss can also significantly improve joint health.


Corticosteroids are used to treat and manage the condition in severe and incredibly debilitating cases of Feline Arthritis. This is because there are a number of long term side effects associated with Corticosteroids.

Joint Supplements:

There are a vast range of joint supplements containing glucosamine and chondroitin that have been proven to can help support joint cartilage and treat Feline Arthritis.

Physical Therapy:

There’s also a number of different exercises and stretches that can be used to help maintain flexibility and reduce stiffness. If your cat is suffering from Feline Arthritis, you should also make a conscious effort to provide easy access to food, water, and litter boxes can help reduce joint strain.

Remember, the best treatment plan for your cat will depend on a number of different factors including the severity of their arthritis, their pain level and their overall health. Each case is assessed and managed on an individual basis, so that every animal receives a treatment plan based on their bespoke needs.

And as we have already mentioned, early detection and treatment is key to improving the quality of your cat’s life.

If you have concerns about Feline Arthritis or need advanced diagnostic services, contact Anrich Vets today.

Our state-of-the-art MRI and CT scanning facilities, combined with our expertise in orthopaedic and soft tissue surgery, are here to provide comprehensive care for your pets. Visit our website to learn more about our veterinarian services or get in touch with us for any questions or to schedule an appointment.